From the Desk of Our Founder Claire Anstey: Why I Created The Wisdom Gym

I founded The Wisdom Gym out of a deeply personal journey—one marked by loss, learning, and a longing to make a difference in the world of mental health. I know first-hand how challenging life can get, how it can seem like the world is against you, and how daunting it is to seek help when you feel most vulnerable.

Over two decades ago, I lost my childhood sweetheart to suicide. That loss was not just a moment of profound grief; it became a turning point in my life. A life that went on to have one tragedy or difficulty after another. For years, my life just kept getting stuck and going wrong. Through my experience, I realized how many of us struggle in silence and are let down by the lack of resources and support when we need it the most. I had no money to afford the help I needed. This experience ignited a fierce desire to ensure that no one else would have to face their darkest moments alone.

Creating The Wisdom Gym was my response to a world that often leaves us feeling beaten and bruised without showing us how to heal. I built this platform from scratch, driven by a vision to transform mental health support into something engaging, accessible, and, most importantly, effective. I wanted to create a space where healing was possible but also empowering and inclusive.

The journey was far from easy. As I worked four jobs to get this dream off the ground, I encountered many obstacles—people lied to me, let me down, and stole from me, but I knew I had to push through. I was also still dealing with my unresolved grief, PTSD, and low self-esteem. In these moments of betrayal and exhaustion, I turned to the very tools and therapeutic modalities we offer at The Wisdom Gym. They guided, healed, and supported my growth, resilience, and strength. This personal transformation reinforced my commitment to making these resources accessible to everyone.

At The Wisdom Gym, we tackle life's gritty, uncomfortable aspects because we know that's where growth begins. We don't shy away from hard conversations but embrace them with honesty and compassion. Our platform is built on the belief that everyone deserves access to quality mental health resources and that no one should feel isolated in their struggle.

I want us as a society to feel proud of our personal development. I believe that we can reach a point in our humanity where we boast about attending therapy in the same way CrossFitters post their workouts. The Wisdom Gym aims to pave the way in this shift.

We’ve pioneered a model that combines cutting-edge technology with the warmth of human connection. Our live and on-demand sessions are led by real people—experts who understand that behind every screen is a human looking for guidance and understanding. We bring therapy into the digital age, making it as commonplace and essential as a workout for physical health.

I know how hard it can be to start the healing process, especially when you feel like the world has let you down. But I also know how transformative it can be. At The Wisdom Gym, we’re not just about finding temporary fixes but about fostering profound, lasting change. Let’s make looking after our mental health part of our weekly routine.

I invite you to join us on this journey. Whether you are taking the first step toward mental wellness or looking for new ways to grow or maintain a healthy mindset. The Wisdom Gym is here for you. Together, we can transform the challenges into stepping stones for growth and healing.

Thank you for being here. I look forward to seeing you in a class soon,

Much love,

Claire Anstey

Founder & Head Coach at The Wisdom Gym


At The Wisdom Gym, we understand that mental health is a journey, not a destination. We are committed to being your reliable companion on this path, offering support and resources every step of the way. Whether you are facing life's challenges, striving for personal growth, or trying to balance your mental health, we're here to help you cultivate resilience and find joy in your daily life.

Facing Life's Raw Challenges: At The Wisdom Gym, we don't shy away from the harsh realities that shape us. Our approach delves into the deep and often messy issues like dealing with complex family dynamics, navigating personal insecurities, and overcoming societal pressures. Whether it's confronting the impact of 'shit dads', 'narcissistic partners', battling the allure of recreational drugs, or tackling the pervasive feelings of imposter syndrome and self-comparison, we're here to provide genuine support and practical tools. By addressing these gritty aspects of life head-on, we empower you to make profound and lasting changes, guiding you toward a life of authenticity and emotional freedom.



At The Wisdom Gym, we revolutionize the approach to mental fitness. We blend dynamic, interactive digital sessions with real human connections to tackle the grittiest, unspoken aspects of mental wellness. Our services are designed to be accessible, engaging, and practical, ensuring that anyone, anywhere, can benefit from high-quality mental health support.


We have tailored wellness modalities and focus on deep happiness rather than peak performance. Our approach includes improving personal relationships, understanding values, and building resilience. We help you change unhelpful habits like overthinking or excessive use of recreational drugs and courageously face life's grit to achieve contentment and balance.


Our offerings include a mix of live and on-demand digital wellness solutions covering a wide range of mental health areas, from stress relief to addiction. Our sessions are crafted by mental health professionals and are designed to be engaging and supportive, making mental wellness an integral part of everyday life.


  • We prioritize the needs of our members, ensuring that our offerings are responsive and tailored to their needs.

  • We continually seek new ways to deliver mental health support, utilizing the latest digital technology and therapeutic practices.

  • We address mental health challenges head-on, providing honest, straightforward guidance.

  • We take ownership of our mission to improve mental wellness and commit to excellence and integrity in everything we do.


The Wisdom Gym is a vibrant community. Our platform promotes strong connections and a sense of belonging, supporting each other's paths to better mental health.


Our diverse team includes mental health clinicians, award-winning producers, educators, and tech innovators, all dedicated to transforming the landscape of mental health support.


The Wisdom Gym uses state-of-the-art technology to provide a seamless experience, whether you are accessing our resources from a computer or a mobile device.