Feel The Rage & Set It Free

Our Fight Club enables you to release the stresses and strains of your week and supports you in accepting all your feelings (even the ugly ones). This class will free you from years and years of suppressed emotions such as anger, shame and guilt.

Session Style: Video or Audio Class

Fight Club is a class that uses a mix of Breathwork, sound and movement to release emotion from the body. Just watch or listen and follow there guidance of your instructor.

Class Benefits Include:

  • Emotional Release: Somatic workouts provide a safe and cathartic outlet for releasing pent-up emotions and trauma, promoting emotional well-being.

  • Stress Relief: Engaging in physical activity like punching can release tension and stress, helping you feel more relaxed and centered.

  • Catharsis: Making noise while working out can be cathartic, allowing you to express emotions that may have been suppressed.

  • Enhanced Body-Mind Connection: Somatic workouts foster a stronger connection between your body and mind, helping you become more attuned to your emotions.

  • Empowerment: Physically engaging in releasing techniques empowers you to take control of your emotional state and healing journey.

  • Anxiety Reduction: Breathwork and physical activity can reduce anxiety by promoting a sense of calm and grounding.

  • Increased Self-Awareness: Somatic workouts encourage self-awareness as you pay attention to how your body responds to various movements and emotions.

  • Emotional Resilience: Regular somatic workouts can build emotional resilience by teaching you how to process and manage intense emotions.

  • Release of Tension: Punching and physical movements help release physical and emotional tension that may be held in the body.

Positive Mindset Shift: Engaging in somatic workouts can shift your mindset from a place of negativity to one of empowerment and self-care.


