People who live their Sovereign Life, have a natural presence. They don’t go around apologising for who they are and they embrace the possibilities life offers. These sessions and teachings will enable you to understand your co-dependance, break away from it, and reconnect with your personal power.

Session Style: Audio or Video Session

Our Sovereignty Sessions teach you concepts that enable you to get out of co-dependence, rebuild healthy boundaries and step into your power.

For some you may need a pen and paper. Each session is a different length, some 5 minutes, some 45. Clear instructions are given at the start of each task.

Class Benefits Include:

  • Authenticity: Embracing your individuality allows you to be true to yourself, expressing your thoughts, emotions, and values authentically.

  • Healthy Boundaries: Moving away from codependency empowers you to establish and maintain healthy boundaries in your relationships, promoting mutual respect.

  • Self-Esteem: Being in your personal power boosts your self-esteem and self-worth, helping you feel more confident and capable.

  • Emotional Resilience: Embracing your personal power equips you with emotional resilience, enabling you to manage challenges and setbacks effectively.

  • Empowered Decision-Making: Moving out of codependency enables you to make decisions based on your own values and needs, leading to better choices.

  • Healthy Relationships: Embracing individuality fosters healthier relationships where both parties can flourish without relying on each other for validation.

  • Personal Growth: Being in your personal power encourages continuous self-improvement and personal growth, both emotionally and mentally.

  • Assertive Communication: Moving away from codependency allows you to communicate assertively, expressing your needs and opinions confidently.

  • Freedom to Explore: Embracing your individuality gives you the freedom to explore your interests, passions, and goals without restrictions.

  • Role Model: Become a positive role model for others, showing them the importance of self-reliance, empathy, and authenticity.


