How to Make Sleep Your Super Power Masterclass

This enlightening session will guide you through practical strategies to develop deep, consistent sleep patterns that enhance your daily energy and significantly improve your relationships and overall quality of life. This class includes an optional Hypnosis session.

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Sleep Optimisation Masterclass with Sally Garozzo

Time: 70 Minutes

Benefits: Enhances Sleep Quality, Improves Daily Energy Levels, Supports Overall Health

Method: Video Masterclass, Interactive Learning, Practical Sleep Strategies

PT: Sally Garozzo

Session Prep: Ensure you have a quiet, comfortable space conducive to relaxation and focus. Keep any distractions to a minimum to fully benefit from Sally's guidance.

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How To Hack Into The Nervous System For Greater Wellbeing - Masterclass with Sally Garozzo

Time: 65 Minutes

Benefits: Enhances Understanding of the Nervous System, Teaches Techniques to Modulate Stress Responses, Promotes Overall Wellbeing, Provides Tools for Greater Emotional Regulation, and Improves Physical Health Through Nervous System Optimization.

Method: Video Masterclass and Interactive Exercises

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From Disordered Eating To Intuitive Eating With Sally Garozzo

Time: 1 Hour Masterclass

Benefits: Understands Disordered Eating Versus Eating Disorders, Challenges Diet Culture, Teaches Intuitive Eating, Stabilizes Weight by Respecting Body's Set Point, and Improves Emotional Relationship with Food.

Method: Video Session, Interactive Activities, Guided Reparenting Exercises

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