Somatic Release Class with Lesley Mulcahy

Class Replay: 24th June 2024

Time: 45 Minutes

Benefits: Balance Your Nervous System, Improve Sleep, Decrease Physical and Emotional Pain, Reduce Anxiety, Enhance Presence and Connection

Method: Replay of a Live Class, Somatic Activated Healing, Optional Movement and Stretching Activities, Affirmations and Mantras

PT: Lesley Mulcahy

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Somatic Release Class with Lesley Mulcahy

Class Replay: 10th June 2024

Time: 45 Minutes

Benefits: Balance Your Nervous System, Improve Sleep, Decrease Physical and Emotional Pain, Reduce Anxiety, Enhance Presence and Connection

Method: Replay of a Live Class, Somatic Activated Healing, Optional Movement and Stretching Activities, Affirmations and Mantras

PT: Lesley Mulcahy

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Learn To Love You

Time: 20 Minutes

Benefits: Self-Love, Positive Self-Image, Emotional Healing

Method: Video Session, Guided Mirror Work, Interactive Self-Reflection

PT: Claire Anstey

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Note To Self

Time: Variable: 3-minute read followed by a 30 to 45-minute letter-writing exercise

Benefits: Enhanced Self-Esteem, Increased Self-Support, Emotional Resilience

Method: Guided Self-Reflection and Personal Letter Writing

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Self Belief and Self Trust: Vol 3

Time: 10 Minutes

Benefits: Strengthened Self-Belief, Enhanced Inner Guidance, Increased Mindfulness

Method: Audo Session, Affirmation Listening and Repetition

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Self Belief and Self Trust: Vol 2

Time: 11 Minutes

Benefits: Strengthened Self-Belief, Enhanced Inner Guidance, Increased Mindfulness

Method: Audo Session, Affirmation Listening and Repetition

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Self Belief and Self Trust: Vol 1

Time: 11 Minutes

Benefits: Strengthened Self-Belief, Enhanced Inner Guidance, Increased Mindfulness

Method: Audo Session, Affirmation Listening and Repetition

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Vulnerability is Power!

Time: 35-50 Minutes

Benefits: Enhanced Emotional Resilience, Deeper Relationships, Authentic Living

Method: Video Viewing and Reflective Discussion

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